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The Fate of an Indian Wife !!
April 12, 2023
What is marriage….???
Reunion of souls who take the vows for staying together in thick and thins…
Not judging each other on anything…
Accepting each other with their flaws…
Only by putting in some commitment clause…
Communication without any hesitation and fear…
is the mantra for life long win and cheer…
Giving each other some periods of gestation if in doubt…
Surely is the best way out…
Soulmates are people with similar likes/ dislikes…
Not people who say that on mike…
People pretend to be someone…
Just to be with that special one…
Why are we not transparent when it comes to our relationship with someone..
Physical attraction is where we go wrong…
Relationship builds on lust and attraction don’t last for long…
After a while it is a sad song…
Worse is when the family steps in and souls together completely breaks in…
that’s when some Wiseman steps in…
Suggest to bring a new life in…
Which adds to more burden and confusion…
Is it joining souls or just trying to mend things by finding diversions…
Living with aversions diversions becomes a way of life…
That’s the fate of an Indian wife…!
-By Anonymous (An Indian Woman)
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