How to Catch the Tooth Fairy | Kids Story by Adam Wallace
How to Catch the Tooth Fairy | Kids Story by Adam Wallace
How to catch a tooth fairy ?? … the fantasy story which talks about different children who try to set traps for the tooth fairy thinking they are smarter than her and can catch her.
hi kids let’s read the story how to
catch the Tooth Fairy written by Adam
Wallace illustrated by Andy alcoton
all is quiet all is still the clock
shows nine past three
the Bell goes off I’ll go to work
cause now’s my time to shine
I’m the Tooth Fairy yes I am and every
single night I collect 300 000 teeth
while staying out of sight
my travels take me far and wide my life
is such a blast but please don’t try to
catch me for I am really much too fast
at Nancy catons I recall an important
fairy rule when you’re taking someone’s
tooth watch out for their drool
sets a trap he wants me in a box I’ll
take his tooth and then for one I’ll
hide all of his socks
How to Catch the Tooth Fairy | Kids Story by Adam Wallace
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