A True Religion is Based on Humanity and Not on Rules and Rituals

A True Religion is Based on Humanity and Not on Rules and Rituals

  • Physically people are living close but mentally apart from one another:

We are living in twenty first century. Technologically, this is the most advanced age. Due to tremendous pace of development in almost every sphere of life, this world seems to be a small place. Distances have reduced drastically. Advancement in communication and aviation industry has brought people closure to one another.

From technological point of view people of this world are physically closure to one another, but mentally they seem to be living apart. Religious fundamentalism seems to be increasing at faster pace. Most of the people of this world are fighting one another in the name of their religions.

  • Practice humanitarianism:

Most of the people have tied themselves to a limited space of their religion.  It seems people at large have forgot that Almighty God has sent them on this earth to follow only one religion i.e. humanitarianism. Every human being is first a human being and later a Buddhist, Christian, Jewish, Hindu, Muslim, Sikh or a Zoroastrian etc.

  • Do not hate or harm people of other religions:

All these prevalent religions were created by great messengers of God with sole intention and understanding not to hate others. Rather, they all wanted their followers to tread path of love and compassion. Every religious leader preached this world to follow humanitarian values. None of them have ever advocated that in the name of religion, there should be division among people. All these religions were created not to hate anyone and to cause trouble or kill those persons who do not belong to your religion.

  • Do not force others to join your religion:

Why do we fight one another in the name of religion?

Why do people want to increase number of persons following their religion?

Why do they want to increase head counts of followers in their religion?

What do they want to prove with this increase?

It is better that instead of increasing quantity better make efforts to improve quality of existing people of your religion. Those creators of these religions never advocated to forcibly or otherwise converting them to your religion.

It is difficult to understand why people from different religions are limiting their vision and making their mind so narrow. They are not ready to come out of their narrowness. It seems that they have completely forgotten their main religion i.e. humanitarianism.

  • Essence of various religions:

Followers of different religions must ensure that there is no conflict or confrontation in principles of various religions. But we find that people fighting one another in the name of their religions. This fight is because people are intending to change everyone else in this world except themselves. True religion is all about changing the self. It is not about changing others.  When you change the self, there is no conflict but when you try to change others, there are numerous possibilities of a conflict and confrontation.

  • What is a religion?

Religion is relationship between God and human beings. True relationship is similar to that we have with our parents.

Purpose of various religions of this world is to promote humanitarian behavior among their followers. Let us remind ourselves about very essence of our chosen religion! Teachings of some of the major religions are given hereunder.

  • Christianity:

Essence of Christianity is being like Christ.

When we say, we are Christians and we want to be like Christ, we must know about qualities of Christ.

One of the main characteristic of Jesus Christ was His true love. His love was perfect love. He immensely loved everyone living on this planet earth including His enemies. He said to his followers, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” He wanted that your love must not only be in your hearts but also be expressed in your every action.

Christ expressed His love by healing the sick, feeding the hungry and giving His life on the cross to save sinners. He was not only compassionate towards all but had a remarkable habit of forgiving others of their sins. He emphasized on seeking kingdom of heaven within you.

In case you consider you as true Christian, you must honestly follow His teaching in your life.

  • Hinduism:

Hinduism is the oldest living major religion of this world and is more than 5000 years old. Tolerance is one of the most important and prevalent belief systems of Hinduism. Therefore, Hindus live peacefully and believe in coexistence of different faiths, sects and religions.

Central belief system of Hindus is depicted in two words in ancient Sanskrit language. These are ‘Vasudhaive kutumbakam’. It means entire universe is our family. Hindus believe in principles of universal brotherhood.

In addition, ancient scriptures of Hindu religion Vedas have four principal mantras.

One of the four says, ‘Aham Brahmasmi’ means I am Divine.

And the other says, ‘Tat tvam asi’ i.e. Thou art that.

They see God in self and also in every other soul.

In case you say you are a true Hindu, you must always resort to tolerance and loving others as your family members. You must see God in every other person and therefore behave accordingly.

  • Islam:

Islam too promotes love, compassion, mercy and understanding as part of every Muslims religious duty.

Holy Qur’an contains exact words of God as revealed to Prophet Muhammad. Some of the sayings of Prophet Muhammad are given here.

  1. The strong one is not he who knocks out his adversary. The strong one is he who keeps control over his temper.
  2. It doesn’t befit a true man that he should opt to cursing.
  3. God, the dignified has no mercy for one who has no mercy for others.
  4. None of you is a perfect Muslim until he desires for his brother Muslims that which he desires for himself.
  5. Look at the person who is inferior to you and do not look at one who is superior to you. Thus you will be able to appreciate better the benevolences of God bestowed upon you.
  6. The best of you are those they have the best manners.
  7. Avoid jealously for this destroys good deeds as fire destroys wood.
  8. God, the most High has revealed to me that you should adopt humility so that no body oppresses another, nor one should hold himself above another.
  9. A Muslim never taunts or curses or abuses others nor resorts to vulgar talking.
  10. Plenty of provisions or abundance does not make a person rich and wealthy. Real richness is the benevolence of heart.

You can observe here that Prophet Muhammad has categorically emphasized that you must have to practice humanitarian values to be a true Muslim. If you are a follower of Islam religion, make sure that you are following teachings mentioned in Holy Qur’an.

  • Different religions are equal in all respect:

There is also a possibility, that you may be follower of another religion not mentioned here. No matter what religion you belong to and no matter what your ways and means of praying God are, you must ensure to practice humanitarianism in your life. In case you are deviating from suggested path and not following teaching depicted in your chosen religion, you are not a true disciple or a follower.

  • Tree of Godliness:

Always remember that we all are part of a huge tree of Godliness. Trunk of this tree signifies humanitarian values. This is the main religion of all human beings. Branches of this tree represent various prevalent religions of this world including Christianity, Hinduism and Islam as major religions and Baha’i faith, Buddhism, Confucianism, Jainism, Judaism, Lamaism, Shinto, Sikhism, Taoism and Zoroastrianism etc. as minor religions.

Then there are sub branches, associated with each branch. Christianity has Catholics, Protestants, Anglicans and Orthodox etc. Hinduism has Vaishnavism, Shaivism, Shaktism and Smartism etc. And Islam has sub branches in form of Shia, Sunni, Sufis and Ahmadis etc. And all those people belonging to these religions are leaves of this tree.

  • God has created harmony in nature:

Now imagine that a leaf is grown on a sub branch of Protestant on a Christian branch. Will it hate, confront or pluck another beautiful leaf grown on a sub branch of Shia of Islam branch or an Orthodox on its own Christian branch? We all are such leaves living on different branches. These branches are originated from the trunk at the same level. Therefore every branch and sub branch of this tree is equal in all respect. As a result, all religions of this world have equal importance. None of the religions are superior or inferior to one another.

God has created harmony in this universe. Why can’t we maintain this harmonious behavior in us?

  • Almighty God is one:

You are unable to see roots of this tree. Tree is drawing its energy and strength from roots. These roots signify Almighty God. Every branch has given different name to these roots. They name this source of energy as Ahura Mazda, Allah, Bhagwan, Elohim, Ishwar, Jehovah, The Lord and Waheguru etc. But originally it is one and same power.

Here is an example. Now suppose you get a banana for your breakfast. Different people name this fruit in different names. And by changing name of this fruit, will its quality, taste or characteristics change? No way. Similarly God is one and the only one. Every one of us has given a different name to this supreme power.

Remember, we all are like leaves of a single large tree and those leaves do not fight one another, either with leaves from same or different branches. Then why do we people fight one another over trivial issues?

  • We all are equal in all respect:

In fact, people have confined themselves to the boundaries established by them. Boundaries are that of religion, caste, creed, language, color of skin, sexual discrimination and territorial regions. We all are equal in all respect. Blood running in everyone’s blood vessels is similar. Our bodies have similar systems. Then why do we discriminate?

  • Your current religion is with you for current birth only:

Always remember that your ‘name’ is given to this body you are living in. Similarly your ‘religion’ is given to you either by your parents or by you, for this human body. Prior to your birth, you were not having this name and this religion, which you are bearing now. And also remember, after your death, your soul will not carry this name and religion with you.

  • You are an eternal soul:

Yes, you are an eternal soul. This soul was never born nor will it ever die. It is as eternal as God. And you are on endless journey in this universe. You are not a body but a soul. Your age is endless years. You have always been an integral part of this universe from the very beginning and will remain in this universe till the end.

You are born in this body only for present human experience of approximately one hundred odd years. You have been born countless number of times and have died also. Every time you are born, your body is changed. Subsequently, name of your body is also changed every time you take a new birth. Similarly, your religion is also changed every time.

  • You change your name and your religion with every new birth:

In this body, you may be a Christian, a Hindu, a Muslim or a follower any other religion. But this religion will remain with you as long as you are alive in this body. Afterward, you will again be a soul and take birth in a new body, with a new name and a new religion. In your present body, you are unable to remember about your innumerous previous bodies and equal number of religions. There is a possibility that you had been born in all other religions of this world. There is also a possibility that you had been one of the greatest personalities of yester years. Who knows?

  • Then why do you hate other religions?

As you had already been followers of all other religions of this world in various other bodies then why do you hate all those religions in this body? You were living in that religion few years ago in another body, you hate today.

  • Two categories of misled people:

There are two categories of misled people. One is hardcore people’s category and the other is ignorant people’s category.  In the name of religion of this physical body, some hard core people are so rigid that they mislead ignorant people of their community.

  • Fear is created in minds of people in the name of religious beliefs:

These hard core rigid people create fear in minds of that majority of ignorant people for the punishment from God for not obeying them and not protecting their religion. This fear is created in the name of religion and in the name of God. And these ignorant people deviate from the path of love to hatred out of this fear created by hardcore people.

But that is not true. Have you ever seen that roots of a tree punishing leaves of the same tree? Roots are God and we are leaves. God is rather nourishing us with His nutrition and giving us strength.

These ignorant people are also misled by hard core and rigid people that God will accord higher status if they are killed for the sake of their religion. I fail to understand, how God can provide special treatment to those they are spreading hatred and are killing innocent people?

These misled ignorant and hard core people are in fact working against principles of their own religion. They sometime kill people. And those killed innocent people were also sons and daughters of God and were living on different branches of the same tree.

  • Your religion is vast:

Such people do not know vastness of their existing religion. All religions of this world as so vast there is no need to protect them. Men do not protect religions rather religions protect men.

Limit of tolerance of these hard core people is bare minimum for all those people living on other side of their religion. Their rigidity is to the extent that they do not hesitate to attack or kill people from other religious belief. It is not fair for them.

And in this process if such hard core and rigid people are killed, they call them martyrs.

  • After death everyone will become one with the universe:

All leaves falling from the tree become one with the soil. This soil signifies the universe. Similarly every one of us after leaving this body becomes one with the universe. And subsequently once again born in a new body and a new religion and is grown as a new leaf on the tree of Godliness.

And this cycle goes on.

  • Shed your hatred and develop love:

I fervently request all those people of this world having involved them in spreading hatred and killing others in the name of their religion, please once again read scriptures of your chosen religion and know its essence. Knowing its true essence is highly essential. You will find that your religion is conveying you a message of love, mutual understanding, forbearance, care, share, tolerance, acceptance, trust and service. And once you are able to know about this essence, please teach the same to others belonging to your community. Tell them to come out of their pseudo religious beliefs of hatred and killing. They must proceed towards their original and true religion.

Come back to your true religion of humanitarian values.

God is waiting to embrace you at the entrance.

Love has immense power to unite you with Almighty God.

It is easy enough to be friendly to one’s friends. But to befriend the one who regards himself as your enemy is the quintessence of true religion. The other is mere business. ~ Mahatma Gandhi

True religion is real living; living with all one’s soul, with all one’s goodness and righteousness. ~ Albert Einstein

True religion is giving and finding one’s happiness by bringing happiness into the lives of others. ~ William J H Boetcker

We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.  ~ Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

The aim of every human being is to understand the meaning of total love.  ~ Author unknown

The question is this: Is man an ape or an angel? I am on the side of the angels. ~ Benjamin Disraeli

Once we as humans understand that we are responsible for our own actions and religion does not give you a free pass to do wrong. The world will be a much better place.  ~ David Hutchinson

Until power is made subservient to morality, humanity will continue to suffer.  ~ Tasneem Hameed

Keep reminding yourself that you are human. You’re entitled to make mistakes; everyone does. And you will learn from them and use those lessons to improve your life. ~ Senora Roy

The proper function of a human being is to live, not to exist.  ~ Melchor Lim

Attitude of Gratitude: We are highly thankful to Admin, LetsBePositive for made available purposeful information which inspire us to re-produce the same again for all.

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